About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Friday 10 May 2019

P4 - Logging Rushes

Logging rushes for Pineclones

We chose this shot as the medium close up range allows us to grasp the interior of the car within the shot as well as the three main characters. In this opening shot the boys have arrived at the moors where they will be speeding the night in a tent, and are  taking there belongings out the car boot.

The second shot we chose was a long shot of the three boys setting up the tent on the moor. We felt that this shot would be ideal as it allows the audience to grasp a feel of the setting that the short movie will be set in. For this shot we realised due to the cameras distance from the action we would struggle to record audio through the camera so used a wireless portable microphone , and synced the audio through a clap that can be clearly heard in the audio and seen visually on the camera, allowing it to be easily synced in post production.

The third shot we chose was of a shot inside the tent, this shot allow the audience to visualise the surroundings the boys will be in but from an interior perspective. We chose this shot as it has all three boys in their prime positions as well as having a good shot of the inside of the tent, we once again used a wireless portable microphone in this scene for ease of use.

This next shot was set at night, to display the conventions of a horror movie, we chose a long shot to try and best display the action that will be taking place in this scene. In which the masked man confronts Aalyan the protagonist. As the camera was once again a distance from where the action was taking place we once again decided to use a wireless portable microphone. And used the same method as described before to sync the audio with the visual action.

This is a shot of the chase scene, when the  Masked man is chasing Joe. We decided on this POV shot as it puts you into a first person point of view and allows the audience to grasp a better understanding of the intensity in this scene. As this was a chase scene we removed the audio from the clip as it was just wind noises and there was no use for an external mic at this stage as there was no dialogue in this scene. So we added in royalty free music in the edit to help intensify the chase scene.

For the final shot in which one of the protagonist dies we chose a medium range shot as it allows us to get a mixture of the scenery, which creates a final dramatic affect for the death of a character as well as allowing us to be close enough to the character to capture all his emotions just before his death to the masked man who appears from behind him.

P4 : Call sheet

D2 - Technical and aesthetic properties of the media components of the clients brief

The four adverts i have created for my TV series are a TV Advert, Radio advert, two billboard posters and a social media advert. These adverts span across 4 different platforms. By creating these I have me the aspect of the brief that requires 'Cross-media advertising'.

TV Advert

See my TV advert here.

The TV advert meets the brief as it helps raise awareness of the series by clearly stating the name in the voice over as well as where it will be broadcasted and how it can be viewed on BBC iPlayer.

The TV advert is a combination of short suspenseful clips that help set the scene and build the foundations of the plot as well as help introduce the protagonist. For example we see panning shots of where Tyrone (Protagonist) has grown up to help set the scene. We also see glimpses of the domestic abuse that the protagonist will experience throughout the series. This is main plot point we also hear voice overs of the protagonist explaining his story line explaining certain plot points that will hopefully grasps the viewers attention and want them to tune into the series when released.

We have a quick transition called the 'loading Radial' between the football scene and inside abuse scene. This transition is overlapped with a grunting sound, This will grab the attention of the audience and those who may not be paying attention as they instinctively will turn as they hear another human grunt or scream, drawing them to the ad without even realising.

The TV advert has been exported in 16.9 aspect ratio at 1920x1080p High Definition quality in 25fps to meet the requirements laid out by the BBC. The audio does not breach the -23LUFS loudness peak for audio as laid out in the guidelines.

Radio Advert

Listen to my Radio advert here.

My radio advert clearly states that the programme will be available to view on BBC3, this was done in the voice-over. The radio also features soundbites from the TV advert to help link the adverts together in one campaign this is also done to help attract viewers in the same way the TV advert does.

The effects that I feel will stand out within the advert is the sound backing track, the song is known to have a deep meaning and is widely popular in the UK, even more with the ages of 16-24 as this is Dave's'(song artist) most popular demographic. So this will hopefully make more people pay attention to the ad when its being aired.

The radio advert has been exported as ".wav" file and also as YouTube clip to help maximise the reach of the advertisement. These both meet the standards for the BBC to allow them to play  it out on the radio and as well as on their BBC radio website.

Billboard Adverts

View my billboard advert here.

My billboard features the BBC Three logo, this will allow them to locate where the TV series is going to be shown as well as allow them to be able to gather further information on the TV series by logging onto the BBC3 website. Showing the logo on the billboard is a common theme on BBC drama advertisements, this is so the people that view the billboard are able to find out on where they can view the show.

The billboard follows the con sizes for a billboard that is within the united kingdom. The portrait billboard also know as the bus stop billboard was set to the 47.24" x 70.87" dimension which is the standard size for 6 sheet bus stop/ train station billboards as i found on https://www.billboardadvertising.org.uk/size/6-sheet/. The landscape billboard was set to the dimension of 6.096m x 3.048m this is the standard size as stated on https://www.billboardadvertising.org.uk/size/48-sheet/ . Due to the size of the billboard, when formatting and exporting the image the resolution has no need to be so great therefore i was able to export at 30dpi.

Social Media Adverts

View my Social Media adverts here.

Many social media adverts are interactive allowing the  producers and cast to interact with the consumers. This means they can ask questions about the programme directly and easily. These responses can be shared through the @BBCThree social media accounts. This is direct engagement with the audience and as they are being asked about the programme on a platform the use often they are more likely to interact and view the programme this is therefore increasing the engagement with the audience so once again increasing the chance of it being viewed by more people. The reason people will interact with this is to do with the exposure they will receive from such a popular account, this works well for both parties as the BBC get the interaction with their fans and are able to promote their material and the audience are able to gain self exposure.

All social media platforms have different requirements for video uploads. Twitter states that the video cannot be longer than 140 seconds and it must be 32 x 32 and have a maximum resolution of 1920x1200. The formats it supports are MP4 and MOV on the mobile apps and on the web they allow MP4 with H264 format with AAC audio. Instagram states that the video must have a duration between 3 seconds and 60 seconds and must be in the format of h.264 codec, AAC audio, 3500 Kbps bit-rate with 30fps and a maximum file size of 15 MB and a resolution no wider that 1080px. To make sure that i complied with these technical codes the adverts were exported in the 1920x1080 resolution in a MP4 h.264 format. The file sizes were made as small as possible to allow for smooth streaming on all devices. The video is 25fps and ACC audio format has been used to meet the requirements of the social networks.


In conclusion, I feel my campaign for my TV series has successfully met the client brief. I believe it portrays a strong message to the BBC3 audience that will entice them and hopefully attract them to the show, due to the gripping story-line and transgressive topics as well as a range of high quality aesthetic properties. The story-line is based on a a person that is very secluded in society and that many people never get to meet, thus meaning they will want to gain an insight into their world and they can do through this TV series.


Thursday 9 May 2019

P4 - Radio Advert

Radio Advert

The first stage of the Radio edit was to create the screen that would be shown on you tube, to do this i used the same template that i had used for the end credits scene on the TV trailer but edited the text for it to say 'Radio Advertisement' instead.

The next step was to add in the audio i had recorded, this was done by importing it off the microphone and onto final cut pro to which I was then able to drag into the correct order. After this i inserted the same backing track (Instrumental of song 'Drama' by Dave) that was used in the TV trailer. This was done to gain consistency throughout the campaign

The final step was to export the file and upload it to YouTube i did this by clicking the share button on the top right of Final cut pro and sharing to YouTube.

P4 - TV advert

The first step in creating the advert was to add in all the clips from the SD car, this was done by importing files over from the SD card on to a folder within my computer. After this I imported the files into Final Cut Pro and lined up the clips in order.

After I had done this i cut the clips into length by using the blade tool and re synced them.
The next step was to find backing music, after listening to many songs i decided on using the instrumental from the song 'Drama' by Dave. i then downloaded this and synced it up to the clips. The reasoning for this song was as many people now  the meaning behind the song within my target age range as it his the artists most popular demographic so they are able to relate to the trailer instantly.
Further to this whilst editing i lined up the cuts to the drum beat in the song so that every time the drum was played in the song it cut to another shot this was done in the opening scenes only. 

After I had done this i had to record my voice over clips this was done using an external microphone and a soundproof room with no echos. I then imported the files over to the computer and then to final cut pro where I was able to add them to the timeline (Pictured above) and line them up to where it was needed.

One of the final steps of the edit was to import the BBC 3 logo onto the trailer i did this by dragging it into final cut pro and then onto the timeline and spanning it across the full run time of the trailer. I then transformed the image by right clicking on it and manoeuvring it into the top left corner of the screen. (Pictured above0

The final stage of the edit for the TV trailer was to create an end credit scene. To do this i added a black background and then imported the logo on to this and used the transform tool on final cut pro to put it in the correct place.

I then went onto the text section on final cut pro and added the 'Centred' font and template onto the final scene.(Pictured Above)
Finally i added the text of when it was to be released and on what channel to the final screen by double clicking on the text. I then used the transform tool once again to place it in the desire position. (Pictured Above). This was the final stage of the edit of the trailer

The final stage was to upload the trailer to YouTube, to do this i exported the file using the share button on the top right of final cut pro and sharing it onto my YouTube account

M3 - How the adverts comply with the codes and conventions of the media sectors


You can view my billboard advertisements here.

Within the marketing industry there are two  advertisement boards both at different sizes.

There is a smaller portrait billboard that is designed to fit bus stops and other public transports such as a train station. This type of billboard is called a 6 sheet advertising board, it has the dimensions of 47.24" x 70.87" ( 1.2m x 1.8m) .

To make sure that my billboard was within this technical code I set the canvas size in illustrator to this dimension, this converted them to vector graphics meaning that when scaled to different sizes the images will not lose any resolution.

With the other form of billboard advertisement, it is of larger dimension and is known as a 48 sheet billboard, and has the size of 6.096m x 3.048m. This type of billboard is common in the london underground and often seen on the sides of buildings and on stands near the streets.

To ensure that my billboard met this technical code I once again set the canvas size in illustrator to this specific dimension.

Most billboard adverts include a large logo of the TV network that is broadcasting the promoted show alongside with the main characters and a key symbol or slogan from the program. ( For example above the BBC advertisement has a tag line of 'Biggest Dance anthems' this will target that specific sector of music and those who enjoy dance music will be most likely intrigued to listen to abc radio1). The background is used to suggest the theme or location of the tv show, on my billboard I have used a football pitch as the location setting and then had a black to white gradient overlaying to try and set the dark and serious theme of the programme.  There is also usually  an ident for the programme that is used to tie all the adverts in the campaign together. On my billboard I didn't have a specific tag line as such but i used the same colours throughout that advert with the title on each poster to link them together.

In my billboards I attempted to included these conventions throughout my campaign. I started off by ensuring each billboard advert will have the BBC 3 logo on to clearly state where the viewer can watch the programme. I set the background as a football pitch to represent the use ion football to escape from the domestic abuse the protagonist suffers, this latter fact is also represented in the backgrounds it has a gradient that goes from white to black to represent a 'dark' theme. The billboard also features the main character and prominent symbols from the series in the billboard, with use of drugs in the billboard and a football.

TV Advert

You can view my TV advert here.

The majority of BBC drama trailers range in duration between 30 seconds to 120 seconds. My advert will have a runtime for 100 seconds, this is a similar runtime to "The Night Manager" Trailer as well as the "Taboo" trailer both of which are BBC dramas. In The trailer for taboo it includes snippets of voice overs ,and had fast paced edits and cut scenes this runs in both trailers this will have been done to build suspense through post production. Many of these shots use the  'dip to black' effect this is used to attract the potential audience and leaving them wanting to watch more.

In my TV advert I used the 'Dip to Black' technique when switching from an outdoor scene to an indoor scene, this was broken up with a transition as well. My trailer uses storytelling to try and gain an audience to do this i used a voiceover from the main character, this was so the audience can grasp a more personal relationship to the protagonist.

In the BBC 3 trailers above they used natural lighting for "The night manager" trailer in some clips this was as similar convention i complied to in creating my advertisement when shooting outdoors. When indoors, i followed the same conventions in the trailers linked above and used artificial lighting created from lamps behind the cameras directed on to the cast.

The music i used in my advert was the instrumental from the song 'Drama' by Dave from his album 'Psychodrama'. This music is ideal as its slow paced theme fits perfectly with the dialogue and visual shots. This is a similar way to how the BBC chose music for the advert   "Taboo", they choose a fact paced song which links to the dialogue and visuals and the plot of which that they are  trying to solve mystery.

I have also watermarked the BBC Three logo on to the advert just as it is on the official BBC adverts.

Radio Advert

You can listen to my radio advert here.

This advert has been taken from BBC Radio 1 Jordan North.

This advert has follows the structure of BBC advertisements, so I used this structure to create my advert by following the conventions within this advertisement.

The advert starts and ends with a voiceover detailing what the programme is about. It also includes soundbites from the running tv advert in key plot defining moments. There is also related backing music playing to set the mood/style of what the program will be like. All BBC radio adverts usually have a runtime between 30 seconds to a 90 seconds.

I followed these codes and conventions to make my advert to the required standard. The advert will have a run time of 74 seconds, this complies with the conventions of adverts that can be played on the BBC network.

The advert ends with a voiceover of when the programme will be aired and the name of the film. The advert is made up of soundbites from the TV advert.  I also include the same backing track as in the adverts, this is done to  give listeners a better feel of how the programme will run.

Social Media Adverts

You can view my Social media adverts here.

I took inspiration for my social media advert from the BBC3 twitter page and followed their structure to comply with their conventions. I focused on creating the imagery from the production as this is a common theme that runs through the BBC social pages. This is done to give an insight into the action and amen people more likely to click on the links o the series.

There is a common theme of using the same colours throughout the promotion. I have done a similar thing within  my social media campaign and used reoccurring colours and themes. This includes the use of the BBC3 logo on every post

Twitter allows the use of polls so we can use this to our vantage to gain what things the audience will want to see.

P4 - Social Media advert

P4 - Bus Stop advert

Bus Stop Advertisement

To create this advert I used adobe photoshop and illustrator. I started off by removing the white background from the logo, to do this is imported the image on to illustrator and used the 'image tracer' tool to outline the font and remove and why background so the text would appear with a transparent background allowing me to paste it on to my photo.

After i had done this I had to to place the layers onto the background image and then paste in the BBC 3 logo and place it in the corner.

P4 - Billboard advert

Billboard advertisement

To create this advert, I used Adobe photoshop and Illustrator.

I initially started off with the background image, i added a gradient to this of 63% from each side to create a vignette type effect, I then inserted 3 still shots from the trailer that express all aspects of my Tv series.  The different layers are shown below i applied an 'Overlay' filter to the 3 still as well.

I also had to Outline the logo and remove any white background. to allow it to be transparent when on the billboard. I id this on illustrator and used the 'image tracer' tool to select unwanted colours and remove them.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

M1 - Stregnths and Weakness of My ideas

Idea 1


My first idea provides a transgressive story line , which includes many transgressive topics such as drugs and violence. These topics are very appealing to the targeted audience of ages 16-25. We also explore issues of domestic violence , drug addiction and poor mental health all within the drama series. This will help us reach out to other targeted audiences and sufferers of these issues in which we can make them feel more at rest whilst providing helplines for them to reach out to someone. In addition to this we have included the countries most popular sport in football, this itself has a massive audience so will hopefully help the show succeed.

By tackling such transgressive topics such as mental health and domestic abuse we will hopefully be able to show sufferers of these issues that hey are not alone and that there are people out there to help them. And we will encourage them to reach out to these people by including helplines for the issues portrayed in the programme at the end of each episode


This idea involves tricky subject which if not portrayed well and effectively could lead to the show being ended or leaving BBC with a bad reputation. Furthermore it may not reach the intended target audience due to the heavy involvement of a school environment thus meaning it may appeal to those on the older end of the cbbc audience.

Another weakness of this idea is that the heavy use of drugs and violence may be too much for certain viewers meaning they may not want to watch the show.

Idea 2

This idea deals with many transgressive issues but the most prominent one being the exposure of drugs. This exposure helps attract our target audience of ages 16-25 as they're into such transgressive topics as they may never have come across such experiences. This also is heavily based around violence with the opening scene being a young teen fighting after a drug bust. This is another transgressive topic that will help attract an audience.

On top of this another strength of this idea is that the audience will be heavily invested into the character development as he is around the age group of the audience meaning they will want to watch how the character will grow in and adapt to a new environment.

A potential weakness of this idea is the lack of female representation, this may not work well with the BBC ethos of gender equality. furthermore another issue that may raise concern is the use of drugs as BBC will not be wanting to promote such material to the nation as it may lead them into legal issues.

As well as this another weakness may be the negative portrayal of the police which may lead into a political and ethical argument for the BBC which could portray them in a negative light.

Idea 3

My 3rd idea deals with crime and gang material, this is transgressive topic which many people in the ages of 16-25 will not have experienced. Such transgressive material will attract high viewership as audiences of that age group will be wanting to gain an insight into a world they may never have experienced.

Another strength is that this idea is unique to BBC meaning that it will attract viewers in a way they may not have been able to before.

A potential weakness of this idea is the lack of female representation, this may not work well with the BBC ethos of gender equality. Furthermore gang culture is slowly fading which mean the potential audience may not be as big as hoped.

P2 - Initial Proposal