The first step in creating the advert was to add in all the clips from the SD car, this was done by importing files over from the SD card on to a folder within my computer. After this I imported the files into Final Cut Pro and lined up the clips in order.
After I had done this i cut the clips into length by using the blade tool and re synced them.
The next step was to find backing music, after listening to many songs i decided on using the instrumental from the song 'Drama' by Dave. i then downloaded this and synced it up to the clips. The reasoning for this song was as many people now the meaning behind the song within my target age range as it his the artists most popular demographic so they are able to relate to the trailer instantly.
Further to this whilst editing i lined up the cuts to the drum beat in the song so that every time the drum was played in the song it cut to another shot this was done in the opening scenes only.
After I had done this i had to record my voice over clips this was done using an external microphone and a soundproof room with no echos. I then imported the files over to the computer and then to final cut pro where I was able to add them to the timeline (Pictured above) and line them up to where it was needed.
One of the final steps of the edit was to import the BBC 3 logo onto the trailer i did this by dragging it into final cut pro and then onto the timeline and spanning it across the full run time of the trailer. I then transformed the image by right clicking on it and manoeuvring it into the top left corner of the screen. (Pictured above0
The final stage of the edit for the TV trailer was to create an end credit scene. To do this i added a black background and then imported the logo on to this and used the transform tool on final cut pro to put it in the correct place.
I then went onto the text section on final cut pro and added the 'Centred' font and template onto the final scene.(Pictured Above)
Finally i added the text of when it was to be released and on what channel to the final screen by double clicking on the text. I then used the transform tool once again to place it in the desire position. (Pictured Above). This was the final stage of the edit of the trailer
The final stage was to upload the trailer to YouTube, to do this i exported the file using the share button on the top right of final cut pro and sharing it onto my YouTube account
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