About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Thursday 9 May 2019

P4 - Radio Advert

Radio Advert

The first stage of the Radio edit was to create the screen that would be shown on you tube, to do this i used the same template that i had used for the end credits scene on the TV trailer but edited the text for it to say 'Radio Advertisement' instead.

The next step was to add in the audio i had recorded, this was done by importing it off the microphone and onto final cut pro to which I was then able to drag into the correct order. After this i inserted the same backing track (Instrumental of song 'Drama' by Dave) that was used in the TV trailer. This was done to gain consistency throughout the campaign

The final step was to export the file and upload it to YouTube i did this by clicking the share button on the top right of Final cut pro and sharing to YouTube.

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