About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Attack The Block - Opening Scene - Analysis

In my analysis of the opening scene of ' Attack The Block'  I will be discussing the different techniques used in creating a scene.

Mise - En - Scene
The opening of the film starts with a busy London street at night . A woman is introduced wearing a hat,scarf and coat showing the time of year that the film is set in. woman shown walking down busy market street. Children with sparklers and fireworks show the audience that it could be a special event such as bonfire night. Next scene is a poorly lit alleyway and wall displays graffiti showing this is not  nice area. Multiple flashes are seen to scare the audience, the woman moves on to a back street with no people but a few cars. A gang are introduce in the distance. the gang then surrounds the woman all wearing dark clothing with their faces covered hinting towards the rime genre. A close confrontation is then shown between the woman and the gang where the woman is in panic. There is bright lighting as an explosion hits the car. Alien is then shown emerging from the car. Banging and flashing show the alien inside a shed.

In the opening scene the first shot introduces the setting with a wide angle crane shot.  This followed by a medium close up shot, introducing the woman at the train station. A tracking shot techniques is used to follow the woman down the street. The next shot is a low angle shot leading into a wide angle shot. This then transitions to a crane shot into a high angle shot still following the woman. We then see a panning shot shifting focus from the woman to a graffitied wall. The next shot is a close up of the woman with a blurred background allowing the audience to experience the same unknown that the woman is going through. This then flashes to a long shot which slowly transitions to a close up of the womans' feet. A long shot is then used to establish the new setting. A close up shot shows us the change of emotion in the woman face as she sees something in distance. This then switches to a POV of the woman looking at the boys ahead of her. A medium shot is then used to show the gang. A tracking shot is then used to follow behind the gang and follow the boy on the bmx on to the road . Continuous close ups of the woman show her emotions during the confrontation whilst switching between mid shots POVs. Shot reverse shot and close ups are then used to focus on the faces of the gang and the woman and her bag during the confrontation. A close up is then used to focus on the knife to be more intimidating and also make the audience feel the threat. A close up of the mans eyes. A tracking shot then follows the alien down rom the sky. A series of tracking shots lead up to the gangs confrontation of the alien. A tracking shot leads into the shed and the close ups are used to show the aliens face.  A long shot is then used to show the shed but not the action , this keeps the audience away from  the action and in the dark of whats happening. This is followed by a group of over the shoulder shots and shot reverse shots when the gang are talking.

The opening has slow paced editing a cuts between shots. Flashing lights are then used to show the shadows and a fast scene change shows excitement /fear. Which then slows down when she realises there is no threat as of now. The first meeting between the woman and gang is slow paced which then changes and becomes faster as the confrontation becomes more heated. SFX are used to show the alien descending from the sky and exploding on the car. The scene cuts then slow down again until the main character is attacked by the alien were the scene changes are very fast between the alien and the guy. This fast paced editing and bright flashes continue as they confront the alien in the shed.

The film starts of with a soundtrack which gets increasingly louder a the shot pans down to when hear the fireworks. The faint sound of a police siren can be heard in the distance repressing the busy city. The soundtrack continues as the scenes change between the woman and the opening credit. We can also hear the woman talking on the phone as well as the background noise of the busy market. We can hear children laughing as we continue to follow the woman who continues speak on the phone. Suddenly loud bangs are heard which accompany the flashes. Music stops and we can hear the footsteps of the woman as she gets sight of the gang. She talks under her breath this shows the audience that she is fearful. An intense soundtrack is then played to emphasise the confrontation between the woman and the gang which then stops as they start to talk. The opening of the knife is a prominent sound this once again is used to show the audience the threat to the woman. Fireworks are still heard in the background. Music is then played and suddenly increases in volume till a loud bang is heard.Soundtrack gets increasingly louder until the jump scare. Loud screaming coming from the alien.Intense fast paced music is played whilst they chase after the alien. Fireworks heard as they are thrown in to shed and more screaming heard from the shed.

Sunday 21 January 2018

Treatment - Pineclones

Working Title

Written By
Aalyan Ali (AAMedia productions)

Co-written By
Ben Oddy (ODD Media)

Contact Information

Log line
In the shadows


Aalyan - Aalyan is a character that is played by a a 16 year old Asian teen, he plays a vital role in the movie. He is the first character that is introduced on screen

Ben - Ben is a character that is  played by a white 16 year old teen,  who is the only one out of the three to survive 'The Man'

Joe - Joe is a character that is also played by a young 16 year old teen, he is the dumbest characters in the group which is how manages to get himself killed first.

Clone - The clone is the antagonist in this film , he is played by a very tall man who has a masked face.

Aalyan and Joe are having a normal conversation over messages when Aalyan brings up the idea of them going camping on the moor for a bit of a laugh and as well as them being extremely bored in their holidays. As this conversation is going on Aalyan switches apps on his phone to go onto snap chat , this is when he receives a random message from a strange looking man wearing a full black suit with a white mask covering his face , the message read that should he not share the message on he would be killed very soon. Aalyan ignores the message thinking its a joke and continues his conversation with Joe , this is when they invite Ben along with them on the camping trip.

The 3 lads meet together on the moor and start setting up camp for the night , Ben is being useless which starts to frustrate Aalyan and Joe who insist he comes over to help set the tent up. This is when a pine cone falls from the tree above , and Ben first instinct is that it was one of the other lads to have thrown it , and then also calls a pine cone a pineapple, thus starting to show his lack of intelligence.

As night sets the 3 of the lads are in the tent talking about random things until horror strikes , the flashlights flicker as footsteps are heard near the tent, suddenly rocks are thrown in and the lights come back on and create a silhouette of a man on the tent. Aalyan opens the tents middle compartment to catch a glimpse of the man but all he sees is a blur. He decides to move towards the main door as he steps out he is confronted by a man in a full black suit with his face being covered by a white mask. Aalyan looks up at his face and is instantly paralysed he calls for the other lads , Ben comes out and sees the man walking towards Aalyan this is when he realises the man only has eyes for Aalyan meaning Ben is invisible to the man as the man is about to lay hands on Aalyan , A thud is heard from behind the man and Ben had knocked the man unconscious and Aalyan is able to move again.

Joe soon emerges from the tent and lays eyes on the man on the floor and instantly questions whats happening. This is when Aalyan has a flashback to earlier and to the message he received with a photo of the exact same guy. Aalyan pulls up his phone to show the message to Ben and Joe , Ben looks away as he realises that he will be wanted as well if he sees it he tries to stop Joe as well but it was too late. Aalyan soon realises his mistake and now realises that there will be two of the men looking for them now. Aalyan turns around to see where his man is to realise that he had vanished. The lads realise they need to escape , so they run away Ben and Aalyan run in the same direction but Joe has fled another way.
Minutes pass as Aalyan and Ben are searching for Joe, this is when they come up to his body and realise that he is dead , and find the mans mask laying on his chest. This worry's them and realise that he must be near so they continue running till they stop at a opening to catch their breath.

Ben out of nowhere tells Aalyan to run , Aalyan turns to look at Ben and is paralysed instantly again. Aalyan's head is grabbed by the man and as this is happening Ben picks up a rock and goes to hit the man on the head , the man turns to look at Ben and Ben is paralysed . Ben starts shouting at Aalyan but he is unable to hear him, moments later Aalyan collapses and Ben Returns to motion and the man has disappeared leaving his mask on Aalyans chest. Ben breaks down and lays his head on Aalyans chest.