About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

M2 : Identifying Potential Client Questions

Self Evaluation
I feel on the presentation basis that I managed to convey to the potential investors the basis of the plot of the drama series very well, I feel I spoke well and clear throughout my pitch and presented with confidence. Based on the presentation itself I feel there is room for improvement, such as styling the presentation in the theme of the plot of the drama series as there was very little branding on the slides. Furthermore, the content on the slides were mixed as when doing a synopsis of the series I was detailed this was also shown in the research into potential production companies. But slides relating to the target audience, characters and similar programs all lacked further detail which I aim to improve for the official pitch.

Going into further detail on the presentation, I didn't include a written title on the presentation this was as i was unsure on the name at the time so this was up for debate, but I soon concluded to call it "A Game of Two Halves" due to the plot having a strong link to football and the main character representing how he lives two contrasting lives. Within the presentation I included a detailed summary of the plot of the drama series as well as how I vision the pilot episode to play out. Even though I didn't include a product description i still spoke about it during my pitch and included which format the series should be shown in as well as the duration of each episode, and how many episodes I plan to create within the season. Budgeting is a major part of creating a drama series and an even bugger deal when pitching the idea to potential investors, so I ensured to create a detailed plan on what the budget will be as well as what it would be spent on. Whilst creating the presentation I also included what my ideal production companies for this project would be, this is ideal as it will allow me and the potential investors grasp a greater idea of how the series can progress as well as what type of image I am trying to portray. Furthermore to give investors an idea of which messages I want to present in the series I included a character profile, in this i explained who the main characters were and what role and message I am trying to get across to the audience through each character.

Sadly, I couldn't provide any supporting documents on this initial pitch as they hadn't been fully completed and I also encountered some technical difficulties with computers that hindered me.

Questions asked

How will you make sure the drama series is appropriate for audiences? if you plan on portraying domestic abuse.
To make sure it is appropriate for audiences and not too graphic I plan to show minimal disturbing scenes, by removing the actually visual content it will put an end to any potentially disturbing content, but in the same way still manage to portray the message of how domestic abuse can affect people.

How are you going to show that domestic violence happens in more 'well off' families as well not just poor families?
Well as domestic violence is a difficult topic, and Tyrone is from a poorer background i hope to somehow integrate him with other teens that have suffered like he has, and by having this opportunity i will integrate people from all socio-economic backgrounds

How do you plan to keep the audience/viewers interested throughout the series?
The character progression of Tyrone will hopefully keep the viewers interested as there are many character high and low points which are sure to keep the audience interested.Furthermore there will be sideline stories that will build to the tension of the story this is sure to pull in viewers and keep them interested.

How many episodes do you plan to make within the season?
I plan on making each season around 6 episodes long, with each episode ranging between 40 - 45 minutes in length.I hope to make the finale a longer episode that will last around a hour.

What type of target audience are you aiming this towards?
The target audience I am aiming this towards is in the age range of 16 - 25, Within this age range want to target further specific groups, such as football fans and people that have or are suffering from domestic abuse.

How are you going to show female representation?
Female representation will have a big part to play in the drama series as it will a female that helps Tyrone overcome depression and his mental issues. This representation will portray females in a positive light and show how they can effect your life in a positive way.

How are you planning on to portray all types of depression, as you may not be able represent all types?
I understand there are many different types of depression and mental health related issues, but it will be difficult to try and portray every single type in the drama series, so i will be aiming on just to best portray the effects of mental health as a whole.

How are you going to give this drama series a unique selling point or sharp edge that will appeal to the audience?
The mix of drug use, football and domestic abuse is a unique combination for a drama series, I have managed to integrate two transgressive topics with the most popular sport in this country,, it is sure to attract viewers. Finally on top of this there is no other current drama series that tackles the issues of drug use and domestic abuse through sport.

Why won't the drama series not be depressing?
The drama series will not be depressing as it aims to be informative on difficult topics, as well as this there will be many moments of relief throughout the drama series that reflect the success of Tyrone.

What will I do different in my real pitch?
By doing a Mock pitch I have now experienced the type of audience that I will have to cater my pitch towards. I have taken advice from my colleagues on how to present my pitch, and how to be more convincing on selling the idea. As well as this I will have my supporting documents ready for my real pitch, and i will be more prepared to answer the questions thrown at me.

Friday 18 January 2019

P1 : TV Drama Ideas

Idea 1

Mind Map Summary

- Story starts off with a young kid(15)  playing football in the streets, in an obvious run down area of     Bradford. 
- Story processes to the kid returning home,  he arrives back to receive a barrage of abuse by his parents. (- Abusive parents - Drug addicts)
- Uses football as an escape
- Never really given the opportunity , or had the money to join a club etc
- Joins the school team
- Starts getting given opportunities
- But none of them work out
- Affecting his mental health
- Falls into depression , feeling like he is unwanted etc  (Character Low Point)
- Turns to drugs

Idea 2

Mind Map Summary

- Opening scene is a drug bust, but many of the gang members make an escape leading to a police chase. Everyone starts splitting off into different directions. it pans to one of the youngest in the gang a 15 year old, he has 2 police officers chasing behind him, knowing that he won't be able to out run them he turns to face them and as they are running dropkicks one of the police officers knocking him out, he quickly turns his attention to the other officer who is reaching for his taser when he gets hit with a left jab followed by a right hook which knocks him off balance he is then head butted knocking him unconscious on top of  the other officer.
- He continues on with the alley only to find himself cornered himself in with police officers around him. 
-His tries to jump over a fence to his left but is struck with a taser, and is caught.
- Flash forward to prison cell
- He is given a court date for the prosecution, but he is taken in by a sergeant officer and given an ultimatum, Thus being that he can carry on with the prosecution and potentially face lengthy jail sentence or he can cooperate with the police by becoming an undercover spy for the them as they were impressed by his brains and physical attributes. 
- He is then put into an undercover case in which he is undercover in his own gang trying to overturn them.

The main plot will follow the story line of a 18 year old white teenage boy who has just been thrown out of college/ 6th Form for violence and bad behaviour. After being thrown out of college he finds his way into his local pub in which after a few beers and games of pool he looses his cool and throws the cue at some older lad who he was playing against. This erupts into a fight within the pub as he has attacked a person who is apart of one of two notorious gangs in Bingley. A few days later we see the same lad again bruised up in his house when he hears a knock on the door from a big middle aged whit man, who insist he tells him everything that happened, this man turns out to be from the rival gang and brings the teen on board to work for him and help overturn the rival gang.