About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Production Roles & Responsibilities

Location and Time.
Location 1 - Ilkley, Cow and Calf Cafe car park, Time - Early Evening 
Location 2 - Ilkley, Moor Woods, Time - Sundown
Location 3 - Ilkley, Clearing in the Woods, Time - Night
Location 4 - Ilkley, Quarry wall, Time - Night

Tent - Provided by the cast for free
Mask - Two masks from the drama department
Bottle - Bought from an online
Pinecone - Find one on the moors / Location of filming
Mobile Phone - Provided by the cast for free

Sam - Man in the mask - Samwak Studios
Ben - One of the three boys - ODD Media
Aalyan - One of the three boys - AA Media
Joe - One of the three boys - JMS

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