About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Short film Genres

Genres considered when making our short film:
  • Sci-Fi
    • Plot of chronicles but everyone gets different powers
    • they discover a random rock on the moors which gives them special powers
    • one can teleport (Aalyan), one can run super fast (Sam) and another has superhuman strength(Ben)
    • they are initially confused
    • but soon realise that they can use their powers to their advantage
    • they end up falling apart and Aalyan is killed by ben by accident.
    • Ben turns against Sam and they fight to the end and Ben is killed by Sam.
  • Action
    • Two men are separated from their group of mates
    • they are put in hostile situation and have to survive
    • they are fighting off enemy bombardments
    • and then have to search for help
    • they finally get help and get home after being rescued and are severely injured.
  • Horror
    • Camping trip based on true story
    • 2 friends decide on a spontaneous trip over phones in there rooms
    • invite other friend
    • get to moors no phone signal
    • set camp
    • chilled setting between friends
    • night hits friends talking flashlight starts flashing and suddenly turns off
    • hear footsteps outside of tent
    • rocks thrown in
    • hand held
  • Comedy/Action
    • Group of 4 or 5 teens
    • They are wannabe gangsters an drug dealer
    • Don't understand what it takes to be a dealer and just end up mimicking them
    • End up asking real drug dealers is they want drugs
    • but they don't actually have any drugs on them
    • Realise issue try to escape on bikes
    • Try hiding in a random house that turns out to be the dealers house
    • Act extremely cocky when confronted
    • Somehow one of the group gets caught
    • and breaks into a dog fight between the characters in which a random old lady comes in and breaks it up.
  • Mystery
    • Bettys get bombed
    • Get a bad delivery croissants that were tampered with
    • and a pain au chocolate blows up inside Bettys
    • killing everyone in the cafĂ©
    • and 2 detectives track down the cause
    • and try track down who made the bomb
    • they find out that they made the bombs
    • flashback to them making it
    • they completely forgot it as they were ex scientists and somehow manage d to make them forget about their own past.
  • Crime
    • Hitman is expecting a hit from a client 
    • but is not told all the details 
    • he ends up being  member of the mob
    • the hitman is hunted down by the mob
    • the hitman gets into many firefights 
    • he end sup in a near impossible situation and is  saved by a lifelong that let him down earlier in the film

1 comment:

  1. Aalyan this post needs completing - there needs to be 6 solid ideas for a short film.
