About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

D1 The Brief - The Evaluation - Pineclone Analysis

For the script i did , the things i believe went well were having a good basis of the story this all stemmed from past experiences , meaning when writing my script i had a very good idea of how i wanted to tell the story and which scenes i waned to show swell as how i want to film it. This really helped with the attention to detail in the script as i could just describe what i felt and what we did in that time and slightly adapt it to fit the story a bit better.I feel this excelled my script and when comparing to other scripts in the class i feel my script was a lot more detailed and interesting . I am certain i have been successful as others in the class have read over my script and have left positive feedback about it, but nothings ever perfect i have had certain construction criticisms swell which helped improve the script swell. For my strengths i have been told that the story line is told really well , and that it is very descriptive and is making them want to watch the film when produced. Also , between each draft i made  , personally i found that i saw both mistakes i made , and the growth made me think to myself whether this would work well or not .As far as how the audience will respond to the short film i hope for a positive response on the finished product , but as this my first time working on a project like this i also hope for mixed reactants help me improve for my next production.

In my script , the things  i believe didn't go that well were being able to introduce the film , i struggled with this part as i wanted to include context a t first , but i soon realised after reading over it many times that it would not be a interesting start thus leading me to delete my initial first scene when doing my second draft. After deleting this second scene i felt that the script flowed a lot better , as well as it being more professional. Furthermore when writing my script i did go a bit off my initial 10 points as i feel i couldn't get it to flow correctly , so i did slightly change some of the key points which in my opinion was for the better. For example the ending of my story completely changed as the initial idea wasn't the ending that i wanted and i wouldn't of been able to portray it correctly so i changed it to which i believe is a lot better and more dramatic .This was a common response from my first draft , others said that the ending got a bit boring so when writing my second draft i changed it to what it is now and the response from others has been a lot more positive. As far as how the audience may respond to these changes i feel it maybe a 50/50 split as some may feel like the ending was good and more interesting where as others may feel that the ending was disappointing.


Through this experience i have gained many skills which i will be able to carry on to develop. I have no learnt what a difficult process it is to make a short movie in my case, i can only imagine the work that goes in to a full length Hollywood movie. This has helped me learn my own capabilities of script writing as well as open my mind on how to think more creatively. Through the Unit 22 P1 i have learnt how universal script writing is through different genres such as Film , TV , Radio and Games.The first experiences i will be taking on in particular will be the responsibility of completing a script, fully detailed and completed in a short window of time compared to what other proper scripts are open to in relation to how long the film, if ever made, would last. As i have never wrote a script before , i didn't want to go straight into my script writing with not knowing anything about formatting or even how to write a script . so to gain some experience i used an app on my iPad called 'Celtx' , this is a script creator which has all the formatting fro script writing which helps you when writing a script. When writing my script on 'Celtx' i was able to make multiple drafts to documents and keep track of the progress i was making. But i still had certain gaps in my knowledge so to fix this i did further additional research on search engines such as Google and YouTube, this was to get influence  as well and learn things about behind the scenes of the script stage.In qualifying in the subject I have chosen, it’d be likely with the other courses and education choices I choose to take that I could get a position as someone working on the production line of the industry of film in general.

There are certain threats to this project which could have prevented me from succeeding. These were my inability or lack of experience of to create a script which everyone will fully understand not just me. Another factor that would have prevented me from succeeding was me going into the task without any practice or experience , the lack of practice and experience would have lead to me completing the task to a poor quality or maybe not even being able to complete the task. Another threat was not being able to finish my script on time or other work which correlated to it , this is as my time management isn't the greatest. This doesn't help as i can be distracted very easily at times but at times i have a very strong work ethic meaning i can get a good amount of good quality work done as well.But i have used this to my strengths  and it has a given me a lot more perspective on how much time is needed to complete a task.

Overall, i have learnt a lot through this task and it has been a great experience for me and very satisfying looking back at the final drafts of my script. This experience has also provided me a new point view into what i have chosen as one of my  A levels , and is making me seriously consider it as a future possible career. On top of that I can now move forward in understanding the commitment necessary for these things and appreciating the amount of preparation necessary not only on the part I’ve learned with scripts, but also imagining the stages that come afterwards is absolutely amazing to be able to understand somewhat in some way.

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