About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Friday, 8 December 2017

M1 : Explaining the conventions to be used in the formatting and layout of my script.

Protagonist - The protagonist is the main character in the movie , the person that the audience look to as the hero, In my short movie the protagonist is the character based on 'AALYAN', he has the audience appeal due to his bravery to go into a fight that he knows for sure he is going to lose.

Characters - In the movie there are 3 more characters , 2 of which support the antagonist this is BEN and SAM , as well as this the antagonist is shown as a 'GANG MEMBER' who can clone himself many times.

Plot points - there are many plot points in the script that could be seen as the main one , but the main incident occurs near the end when the trio are confronted by the antagonist, this is the peak point of the movie.

Order of events
    • Aalyan and Sam plan a spontaneous camping trip to the moors
    • Invite Ben along
    • Arrive at moors around 6pm - 7pm 
    • Realise there is no phone signal
    • Set up Camp
    • Chilled setting till night comes 
    • Enter tent
    • Suddenly at 2am footsteps are heard directly outside the tent
    • Their flashlights suddenly flash on and off
    • Out of nowhere rocks are thrown in to the tent
    • They wait it out in the tent till they plan to leave with their stuff
    • Somehow Escape
Scene Headings

Actions and Directions

In the photo above you can see an example of actions and directions given to the actors. These sections on the script are extremely important to the director to try and best portray the image you want to get across to the audience on screen . It also helps the actors as the know how they need to perform and what movements they need to make. 


In the photos above you can see examples of when a parenthetical has been used in my screenplay.
a parenthetical is where a characters has a voice change for example ben speaking sarcastically , without ben putting a saracastic voice , the audience may not understand the screenplay correctly leaving the confused with what happening , as well as them missing out on a comedic factor of the script.

Extensions are used to denote a characters voice , this is shown next to the name of the character.


A transition is where the shot is cut to another place. In the example above the scene is cut from outside to inside of the tent.

Title page

Here we see the name of my short film which is 'pineclones' this name came by as there is a comedic factor in the movie where ben gets confused with a pinecone and pineapple. The clone part comes from the end where the antagonist turns out to be a clone. The story was written by me (Aalyan Ali) and is based on a true story which occurred over my summer holidays. This was all produced by my production company called AAMedia productions.


The formatting of my script as seen above , follows the universal script format.


In my first piece of action text i introduce all 3 of my characters, going through details such as their appearance, age .


In this example from my script, we can see that on this one page that realistically speaking this page will only be one minute as their is a lot of action going on and a little bit of dialogue in-between both pieces of action, this is a good contrast and will create a scene closest to one minute. An example that might not be one minute is if the entire page was action, it might go on for longer depending on the detail of the action text or maybe less time again depending on the detail of the writing.

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