About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Methods of Funding In Media Production

There Are 4 Main Methods Of Funding in a Media Production That are Needed to Run Or Help Fund payments.

Sponsorship a are when a company or business will offer to fund a TV show or something alike in return the show will be sponsored by the business or company this means that the desired sponsor will be constantly promoted to a potential large scale audience. for Example Gillette sponsor Sky Sports Soccer Saturday which comes out to Gillette soccer Saturday.

Advertisements are usually 30second clips which are  played before , in or after clips or shows this is to help the advertise promote their product or business to a audience. To have an advert the Advertise must create an advert which meets strict guidelines and then they must pay the show or company on where they want to advertise. For example before many YouTube clips there are advertisements on which they pay the You Tuber.

Crowd Funding:
Crowd Funding is when a company or person sets up a online page on where random users or viewers can help pay to reach a goal which is needed to help fund something in the production. For example many people in the USA cant afford private healthcare so they crowd fund on websites such as gofundme.com to help fund for medical procedures.

Corporate Finance:
corporate finance is where a production asks a corporate business to help fund there production in where they will promote there corporate business and as well as the corporate business gaining a profit. For example Kaos Solutions LTD

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