About My Blog

My name is Aalyan and for my A level Media Studies that I am currently doing at Ilkley Grammar School I have created a blog to share the work I will be producing over the next year and so.

Monday 18 September 2017

UNIT 22 LO1 - Analysing The Four Lions Script

UNIT 22 LO1 - Analysing The Four Lions Script

This page of screenplay comes from the movie of Four lions that was directed by Christopher Morris written at the end of 2009 and 2010.
The slug line is where it takesplace and what time it is and in this scene the slugline is EXT. NORTHERN UNIVERSITY.
The action takes place in the middle of this script under the corresponding actors name
Characters Are in the middle of the script as well and are in all capitals E.g BARRY
The dialogue is in the middle as well this is where all the characters are interacting with each other.

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